Maryland real estate







Principles of Economics - Micro


INSTRUCTOR Stephen W. Leslie

Required Text: Principles of Macroeconomics - Case & Fair

Course Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:

1. Have a general understanding of economics.

2. Be able to read and understand economic issues relevant to daily life.

3. Have an understanding of the laws of supply and demand.

4. Have a general understanding of financial markets both domestic and international.

5. Be able to understand some of the issues discussed in the financial press be able to critically analysis events for their economic impact.

Course Requirements: Each student will be expected to complete the following:

1. Complete two exams ( 75 points each)

2. Complete one Formal economics project (20 points) Seven Pages in length. Each paper must cite at least three sources and sources must be listed in either footnotes or bibliography.

3. Conduct interview on economic issues write small paper (3 pages) and submit verbal report (10 points).

4. Attendance and participation in class discussions (10 points)

5. Quizzes - 5 points per quiz.

6. One report on "Marketplace" a business radio program - 5 points.

7. Attendance at the Federal Reserve 5 points.

For a grade of A - 90% or better

For a grade of B - 80% to 89%

For a grade of C - 70% to 79%

For a grade of D - 60% to 69%


Attendance is vital to the class for two reasons. First test and quiz questions will be partially drawn from class discussion. Second, students with excessive absences will have points deducted from their grade. After one absence 5 points will be deducted from your grade. After two absences ten points deducted. After three absences your final grade will be reduced one level for each day absence. Late arrivals will result in a 2 point deduction. Five points will be deducted for failing to show for the field trip.

A quiz, either verbal or written, will be given at the beginning of most class sessions covering the chapter previously covered.

** The Quizzes will be given at the start of class. Those arriving after the start of the quiz will not be permitted to take the quiz.


One quiz can be made up with an extra credit assignment.

Office Hours : By appointment only

Phone - (410)461-9730


Topical Outline


Reading Assignments


Session One - Introduction to Course

Why study Economics?

What is role of Economist.

Preview of Basic Economic concepts

How price system accomplishes economic tasks

equilibrium price, Markets and Prices

Introduction to the Financial Markets

Homework Chapter 1 & 2

Session Two - Structure of Economy -

Homework Chapter Three & Four

Session Three - Demand and Supply

Homework Chapter Five

Session Four - The Great Depression

Homework Chapter 6

Session Five - The Great Depression

Homework Chapter 7

Market Place Reports Due

Session Six - Exam

Session Seven - Inflation  - The Federal Reserve

Read Chapter 8  & Chapter 14 pages 308-312

Session Eight - Money and Banking

Read Chapter 11

Session Nine - Field Trip Federal Reserve

Session Ten -  Role of Government in the Economy 

Guest Speaker - Richard Story - Interviews Due -

Read Chapter 10 & Chapter 19

Session Eleven -  Trade and Exchange Rates

Read Chapter 20 & 21

Session  - Twelve - Final Exam

All Papers Due, All makeup work Due.

Please note any required work, except quizzes, must be completed by the last day of class. Any student who has not submitted all required work, except quizzes, by the last class will receive an incomplete. Any student receiving an incomplete must complete all unfinished work within four weeks or the grade will be changed to an "F".

Economic Project

On the last day of class all Economic Projects are due. Each project should be a minimum of seven pages (typed, double spaced). Each student is encouraged to select a topic relating to the material covered in the class. All topics must have the approval of the instructor. Students are to submit topic ideas in writing prior to beginning work on the project.

***Please note that all formal written material (papers & exams) will be graded on content as well as writing skills. Grades will be impacted if papers are poorly written. Points will also be deducted for grammar and spelling. Please also note that if the paper is too short points will be deducted from the grade.

** Please do not wait till the last minute to work on assignments. You will find yourself overwhelmed with work at the end.